Bharath university admission

bharath university Arts admission
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Bharath Arts Admission


Bharath College of Arts & Science stands among the top ranking institutions with ever expanding international reputation for the abundance of care provided to/for our students. Our evolution since inception in 1984 as engineering college in chennai, has been influenced by understanding the needs of our students and the competitive world we prepare them at Bharath College of Arts & Science to face the challenges.

BIHER Admission 2025 - Top Reasons why you should choose us

  1. Scholarship available for Tuition Fees
  2. World-class Infrastructure Facilities and Quality Education
  3. Multi-cultural campus offering safest stay for the students. It is in fact a home away from home!
  4. All elemental needs present at our campuses and residence.
  5. Internships, study tours, seminars for a wider outreach.
  6. Scholarships worth more than 20 crores to encourage achievements of every individual.
  7. Sponsorship and Training for participation in National and International events.
  8. Corporate & Campus training and placement programmes conducted during the entire course period.
  9. World class labs, workshops backed by experienced staff in assisting practicals.

  • Application Cost Rs.700/-
  • Admission, Registration and Certificate Verification Fees - Rs.6,000/-
    (Admission Fees - Rs.3,500 Registration Fees - Rs.2,000 & Certificate Verification Fees - Rs.500/-)
  • No Admission Fees for BIHER Students for PG Admission

Fee Concession for Meritorious Students

  • Above 95%
    75% Concession from Fee per year
  • Above 90% - 95%
    50% Concession from Fee per year
  • Above 70% - 90%
    25% Concession from Fee per year

Private University in India to get the coveted international accreditation from ABET ,USA in the year 2018.

NIRF Rankings 2018 by MHRD, Govt of India

  • 2nd Rank - Outreach & Inclusivity in India
  • 3rd Place - Private University in Tamil Nadu
  • 5th Place - Private University in India
  • 21st Place - All University in India (819 Universities)
  • 35th Place - All Institution in India (4000 including universities and colleges)

NAAC Approved by 'A' Grade

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Eligibility Criteria in Qualifying Examination

UG Courses
B.Com.Accounting & Finance3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Commerce, Accountancy/Business Studies.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Com.Honors3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Commerce, Accountancy/Business Studies.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Com.Corporate Secretary ship3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Commerce, Accountancy/Business Studies.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Com.Commerce3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Commerce, Accountancy/Business Studies.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Com.Computer Application3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Commerce, Accountancy/Business Studies.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Biology mandatory with Physics,Chemistry ,Computer Science or any life Science Subjects.(Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
BBABusiness Administration3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) Any group (or) 10+3Year Diploma. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
BCAComputer Applications3 YearsA pass in 10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Mathematics / Business Mathematics /Computer Science /Computer Applications / Informatics Practices as one of the core subjects. (OR) A pass in Diploma in Engineering (10+3 / 10+2+2 Pattern) recognized by the Government/ Competent Authority. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.ScComputer Science with specialisation in Cyber Security3 YearsPass in (10+2) or equivalent with Maths / Computer Science.
B.Sc.Computer Science3 YearsA pass in 10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science/Computer Application / Informatics Practices as one of the core subjects. (OR) A pass in Diploma in Engineering (10+3 / 10+2+2 Pattern) recognized by the Government/ Competent Authority. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Sc.Chemistry3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with PCM or PCB. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Sc.Mathematics3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Mathematics Mandatory; (Physics /Chemistry / Computer Science /Biology). (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Sc.Physics3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Physics (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Sc.Visual Communication3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) Any group (or) 10+3Year Diploma. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
B.Sc.Statistics/Maths3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) with Mathematics / Statistics. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
BAEnglish3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) Any group (or) 10+3Year Diploma. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
BATamil3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) Any group (or) 10+3Year Diploma. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
BAEconomics3 Years10 + 2 (Higher Secondary) Any group (or) 10+3Year Diploma. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
PG Courses
M.C.A.Computer Applications2 YearsBCA /Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Engineering or Equivalent degree (or) B.Sc. ( CS or CA )/B.Com - CA/with Mathematics at +2 Level or at Graduation Level (with additional bridge Course as per the norms of the concerned University).
M.ComCommerce2 YearsPass in any undergraduate ‘Commerce’ degree program or BBA degree program offered by any College or a Univesity recognized by the UGC.
M.Sc.Computer Science2 YearsB.Sc. Computer Science or B.Sc. (IT) or BCA or B.Sc. Mathematics or B.Sc. Statistics or B.Sc. Physics or B.Sc. Electronics Triple major Subject With Computer Science as one of the Major Subjects. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%))
M.Sc.BioChemistry2 YearsDegree in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Microbiology,Biotechnology, Nutrition & Dietetics and Life Sciences (10+2+3 pattern). (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
M.Sc.BioTechnology2 YearsB.Sc. Biotechnology / B.Sc. Biology / B.Sc. Microbiology / B.Sc. Biochemistry /B.Sc. Agriculture / B.Sc. Physics / B.Sc. Botany / B.Sc. Zoology / B.Sc. Chemistry / B.Tech. Biotech / MBBS / BDS / BVSC / Genetics / any UG course with Biotechnology as one of the subjects/Triple major subjects and B.Sc. (Medical Lab Technology). (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
M.Sc.Mathematics2 YearsB.Sc. Mathematics with Mathematics as a major subject or B.Sc. Triple Major with Mathematics as one of the major subjects. (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
M.Sc.Physics2 YearsCandidate must have a BSc physics degree with a minimum of ABOVE 50% marks in graduation
M.Sc.Chemistry2 YearsB.Sc. Chemistry with Chemistry as a major Subject or Triple Major with Chemistry as one of the major Subjects (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
M.AEnglish2 YearsThe candidates must have qualified their Bachelor's degree in any stream. The aspirants must have secured a minimum of ABOVE 50% marks in Bachelors with any recognized University.
M.ATamil2 YearsA pass in B.A. Tamil / B.Lit. Tamil / Bachelor's degree in any discipline (Must have studied Tamil as the Mandatory subject). (Minimum Aggregate of ABOVE 50%)
M.AEconomics2 YearsB.A Economics,B.Com / B.A - Corporate Secretaryship / BBA /B.Sc Maths or Statistics from a recognised board of education with aggregate marks of ABOVE 50%.

Note:*Admission to Under Graduate Programmes All the candidates who have qualified in the following examinations are exempted from production of Eligibility Certificate for the purpose of admission to UG programmes.

Higher Secondary Certificate Course (+2), Conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu. All India Senior School Certificate Course, conducted by CBSE Delhi Senior School Certificate Course, conducted by CBSE Indian School Certificate Course, conducted by ICSE Central Board of Secondary Education Other candidates are required to obtain the Eligibility Certificate from University.

Admission Procedure

Admissions to Arts programs in BIHER are based on qualifying marks in Higher Secondary.

If a student chooses to withdraw from the programme of study in which he/she is enrolled, The University shall follow the following five-tier system for the refund of fees* remitted by the student.

S.noPercentage of Refund of Fees*Point of time when notice of withdrawal of
admission is received by the University
1100%15 days or more before the formally-notified last dat of admission
290%Less than 15 days before the formally-notified last date of admission
380%15 days or less after the formally-notified last date of admission.
450%30 days or less, but more than 15 days, after formally-notified last date of admission
500%More than 30 days after formally notified last date of admission
Admission Structure
S.NOCoursesFees per year
01B.Com. - General85,000/- Per Year
02B.Com. - Accounting and Finance80,000/- Per Year
03B.Com. - Corporate Secretaryship80,000/- Per Year
04B.Com. - Honors75,000/- Per Year
05B.Com. - Computer Application65,000/- Per Year With Specialization in Data Analytics (in association with IBM Certification)90,000/- Per Year
07B.B.A - Bachelor of Business Administration80,000/- Per Year
08B.C.A - Bachelor of Computer Application85,000/- Per Year
09BCA With Specialization in Data Analytics (Association with IOA , UK)90,000/- Per Year
10B.Sc. - Visual Communication1,00,000/- Per Year
11B.Sc. - Computer Science80,000/- Per Year
12B.Sc. – Computer Science with Specialization in Cyber Security(IBM)90,000/- Per Year
13B.Sc. – Computer Science with Specialization in Data Analytics(IOA)90,000/- Per Year
14B.Sc. – Biotechnology60,000/- Per Year
15B.Sc. - Microbiology65,000/- Per Year
16B.Sc. - Bio-Chemistry45,000/- Per Year
17B.Sc. -Nutrition & Dietetics35,000/- Per Year
18B.Sc. - Home Science35,000/- Per Year
19B.Sc. - Physics40,000/- Per Year
20B.Sc. - Chemistry40,000/- Per Year
21B.Sc. - Maths40,000/- Per Year
22B.Sc. - Statistics40,000/- Per Year
23B.Sc.- Artificial Intelligence40,000/- Per Year
24B.Sc. - Aviation1,50,000/- Per Year
25B.Sc - Catering Science and Hotel Management50,000/- Per Year
26B.A. - English40,000/- Per Year
27B.A. - Tamil35,000/- Per Year
28B.A. - Economics50,000/- Per Year
29B.A. - Journalism & Mass Communication35,000/- Per Year
30B.A. - Film & Mass Communication50,000/- Per Year
31B.A - Public Administration & Governance50,000/- Per Year
32B.C.A - Bachelor of Computer Application - (LATERAL ENTRY)80,000/- Per Year
33B.Sc - Catering Science and Hotel Management (LATERAL ENTRY)50,000/- Per Year
1B.Com – General55,000/- Per Year
2B.Com - Information Technology55,000/- Per Year
3B.C.A - Bachelor of Computer Application55,000/- Per Year
4B.B.A - Bachelor of Business Administration55,000/- Per Year
5B.Sc. - Computer Science55,000/- Per Year
6B.Sc. – Biotechnology40,000/- Per Year
7B.Sc. - Microbiology40,000/- Per Year
8B.A. - English30,000/- Per Year
9B.A. – Tamil30,000/- Per Year
10B.A. – Economics30,000/- Per Year
1M.C.A. (Regular )1,00,000/- Per Year
2M.Com. - General45,000/- Per Year
3M.Sc. - Computer Science45,000/- Per Year
4M.Sc. - Biotechnology45,000/- Per Year
5M.Sc. - Microbiology45,000/- Per Year
6M.Sc. - Bio-Chemistry45,000/- Per Year
7M.Sc. - Physics35,000/- Per Year
8M.Sc. - Chemistry35,000/- Per Year
9M.Sc. - Maths35,000/- Per Year
10M.Sc. - Statistics35,000/- Per Year
11M.A. - English35,000/- Per Year
12M.A. - Tamil35,000/- Per Year
13M.A. -Economics35,000/- Per Year
1M.Com. – General40,000/- Per Year

Other Fees( I Year):

1Application Cost (Inc.of GST)Rs.700 /-
Admission Fees
Admission Fees - Rs.3500,
Registration Fees - Rs.2000
Certificate Verification Fees (Inc.of GST) - Rs.500
Rs.6,000 /-
  • Application Fees and Admission Fees Non- Refundable.
  • No Admission Fees for BIHER Students for PG Admission


1Above 75%-85%25% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
2Above 85%-90%30% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
3Above 90%-95%50% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
4Above 95%75% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year


1National Level75% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
2State Level50% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
3District Level25% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year

Note:Merit Scholarship will be given based upon the 12th Marks.

The Scholarships will be provided throughout the duration of the Course


1Student Graduated from BIHER10% to 33 % Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year


1The death certificate of father or mother or divorce certificate (whichever is applicable) is to be submitted10% to 25 % Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year

5. SMT.ANUSHYA MAM SCHOLARSHIP (Working Employees of Bharath)

1A Copy of Employee ID Card50% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year.


1Unique Disability Identity Card(UDID)/ Certificate of Disability/ Medical certificate25% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year


1Death certificate of both the parents/letter of recommendation from government approved orphanage25% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year


1Serving Personnel / Ex – Servicemen / Retired Personnel25% Concession in Tuition Fees Per Year
Programmes Offered
UG with specialization in Data Analytics (in association with IBM)
B.Com. – General
B.Com. – Honours
B.Com. – Accounting & Finance
B.Com. – Corporate Secretaryship
B.Com. – Computer Application
B.C.A. – Bachelor of Computer Applications
B.C.A. – BCA with Data Analytics (in Association with IOA,UK)
B.Sc – CS with Data Analytics (in Association with IOA,UK)|
B.Sc. – Cyber security (in association with IBM)
B.Sc. – Visual Communication
B.Sc. – Computer Science
B.Sc. – Bio-Technology
B.Sc. – Biochemistry
B.Sc. – Microbiology
B.Sc. -Nutrition & Dietetics
B.Sc. - Home Science
B.Sc. – Chemistry
B.Sc. – Physics
B.Sc. – Mathematics
B.Sc. – Statistics
B.Sc.- Artificial Intelligence
B.Sc. - Aviation
B.Sc. – Public Administration and Governance
B.A. – English
B.A. – Tamil
B.A. – Economics
B.Sc – Catering Science & Hotel Management
B.A. - Journalism & Mass Communication
B.A. - Film & Mass Communication
B.A - Public Administration & Governance
B.C.A - Bachelor of Computer Application - (LATERAL ENTRY)
B.Sc - Catering Science and Hotel Management (LATERAL ENTRY)
UG Programs (Shift-II)
B.Com. – General
B.Com - Information Technology
B.C.A - Bachelor of Computer Application
B.B.A - Bachelor of Business Administration
B.Sc. - Computer Science
B.Sc. – Biotechnology
B.Sc. - Microbiology
B.A. - English
B.A. – Tamil
B.A. – Economics
PG Programs (Shift I)
M.C.A. – Master of Computer Application
M.Com. – General
M.Sc. – Computer Science
M.Sc. – Biotechnology
M.Sc. – Microbiology
M.Sc. – Biochemistry
M.Sc. – Physics
M.Sc. – Chemistry
M.Sc. – Maths
M.Sc. – Statistics
M.A. – English
M.A. – Tamil
M.A. – Economics
PG Programs (Shift II)
M.Com. – General
Contact Information
Bharath College of Arts and Science
83, 3, Agaram Main Rd, Tiruvanchery, Selaiyur,
Chennai- 600 073
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: +91 - 44-6111 6377, 6111 6399
Toll free: 1800-419-1441
For Admission
Phone: +91-44-6111 6399
Corporate Office
#1, First Main Road Kasturibai Nagar,
Adayar, Chennai - 600 020
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: +91-44-4211 5251
Mobile: 98410 64199
For Placement


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Courses Offered


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